LOCE Wind and Wave Energy Weblog

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Thursday, October 09, 2003

Britain's Power Struggle With Wind

Even as Britain continues to pursue offshore wind project (see here for example), opposition to the project also grows as reported in Power Struggle , The Observer (Oct. 5, 2003) . According to the article, wind power:

what was heralded as a green solution to Britain's energy crisis has thrown up a series of new controversies in some of the country's most beautiful areas. The scale of development...is dividing local communities as protest groups fight to save their landscapes, setting themselves against those welcoming new jobs and the rents wind farms bring to poor rural communities.
The bitterness of those battles is epitomised by the animosity that the giant wind farms are already bringing to the remote and beautiful Outer Hebrides - an area that has high levels of rural poverty.
It's being hailed as our salvation,' says Mary, an islander. 'But it will destroy us. We're a remote community and we do have economic problems, but wind farms won't solve them. We're getting 500 turbines at least 330ft high. Forget saving nice views for hill walkers. This is industrialisation on a scale I can't even imagine.

The article cites other grim information on wind, such as studies that purportedly show that wind plants result in large bird kills and comments that wind cannot survive without continued large subsidies.


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