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Saturday, October 04, 2003

Town Seeks Wind Turbines at Wastewater Plants, Post Haste!

This article, Town Wants Fast Answers on Wind Turbines at Wastewater Plants , Edward Maroney, Barnstable Patriot (9/26/03) reports that the Town of Hyannis wants to set up one to thre wind turbines at its water pollution control facility ASAP. The town has put up $1.85 million for the study, design and construction of the generators, which it hopes could power the wastewater plant and a nearby DPW facility. Peter Doyle, supervisor of the WPC plant, said its average monthly electric bill is about $20,000. Many companies have expressed interest in the project, from the highly local (Cape Cod Chamber of Commerce, Stearns and Wheeler of Hyannis) to the far-distant (Oak Creek Energy Systems of Mojave, Calif.). Community Wind's Brian Braginton-Smith of Yarmouth, originally part of the Cape Wind effort, has expressed interest as well.


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