LOCE Wind and Wave Energy Weblog

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Wednesday, August 04, 2004

Wave Energy for Maine?

This article, Maine May Test Hydroelectric Power Project , (Associated Press - 7/27/04) reports that Maine is considering a wave energy project possibly for Old Orchard Beach area. The Electricity Innovation Institute and the Electric Power Research Institute in Palo Alto, Calif., recently completed a study that examined coastal communities in Maine, Hawaii, Washington and Oregon to see which towns would be fit best. As the article reports:

The study found that wave-energy devices in Maine could be built in Portland, then installed and connected to the power grid in the waters off Old Orchard Beach. The town was chosen because there is a substation located close to shoreline and a planned upgrade to the power distribution system.

James Atwell, a board member of the Maine Technology Institute, which provided a $60,000 grant for the project, said the choice was based on the results of a "very early stage feasibility study."

"Before any project were constructed, there would be the need for public involvement and some kind of permitting," he said. "You'd need to get the fisheries people involved."


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