LOCE Wind and Wave Energy Weblog

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Friday, August 01, 2003

Historian Opposes History Making Wind Farm

That the Cape Wind project might make history as the first offshore wind farm in the United States apparently holds no sway with Historian David McCullough who "denounces" the project as reported in this article by John Leaning, Cape Cod Online (July 26, 2003). According to the article, a radio ad by McCullough, a year-round resident of West Tisbury, asks: "How would you feel if you heard that in one of the most beautiful unspoiled places in all America, a sprawling factory was to be built?" Apparently, McCullough believes that the proposed wind farm - "to call it a wind farm is to romanticize what in fact is a factory" - would transform Nantucket Sound "into a 24-square-mile city with fog horns and hundreds of blinking lights.


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