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Sunday, February 13, 2005

Corps' Cape Wind EIS Criticized by Cape Cod Commission

This article,

Commission wants more from the Corps
(Barnstable Patriot 2/11/05)
reports that the Cape Cod Commission filed a 32 page critique of the Corps' Draft Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) regarding the Cape Wind project and has asked for preparation of a supplemental EIS. According to the article, the Cape Cod Commission objected to the following issues:

that the Corps defined the “utility-scale renewable energy” project standard based on the size of Cape Wind’s proposal, overlooking all other renewable projects, which are smaller; that it failed to analyze alternatives such as the phased introduction of turbines being practiced in Arklow, Ireland or a distributed-generation operation of several smaller clusters of turbines; that “flawed assumptions and inappropriate compressions” are found in some of the conclusions; that the analysis used to reach those conclusions was not objective in all cases; and that the environmental and economic benefits touted for the project were not actually tied to the project.


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