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Saturday, August 30, 2003

CapeWind Wins on Windtowers - for Now

This piece, Judge: Nothing Fishy About Cape Wind , Edward Maroney Barnstable Patriot (8/23/03) reports on Cape Wind's victory before Judge Tauro of the federal district court in Massachusetts who ruled that the state's authority to regulate fisheries in Nantucket Sound does not extend to controlling other activities there - such as the erection of the Cape Wind project.
However, the issue of whether state regulatory powers over fishing would allow it to veto the Cape Wind Project is only one issue in court and is separate from one being pursued by the Alliance to Protect Nantucket Sound . In that suit, the Alliance is claiming that the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers was in error when it permitted construction of the data tower, because Cape Wind had to demonstrate ownership of or the ability to own the location.


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