Wave Power for Maine
This article, Harnessing the Waves from the Portland Phoenix (week of 4/1/05) reports on the possibility of wave power projects off the coast of Maine. According to the article, the state of Maine, through its Office of Energy Independence and the Maine Technology Institute, is participating in a multi-state study conducted by the Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) to determine whether tidal power is more economical than other forms of renewable energy — such as wind and solar — currently under development. Though the coastal waters don't generate enough surface wave power, there is interest in Maine's tides:
Maine, says Michael Mayhew, energy efficiency engineer at the Public Utilities Commission, has "the biggest hydropower resource in the continental US," with tides ranging from nine to 18 feet, but big tides alone won’t make or break the case for tidal energy. Other issues come into play: transmission capacity, workforce, shipping lanes, fisheries, and environmental impacts, among others. Properly sited tidal turbines would be about the least environmentally intrusive means of producing energy this side of rooftop solar panels, but the details have yet to be worked out.[...]
He’s excited about the study’s potential. "When you start looking at tidal power versus wind," he says, you can get the same energy return with much smaller machines, and fewer of them. "And you can count on it. You know the tides a hundred years from now." This makes tidal power more useful because energy-intensive work in the area of a tidal generating plant could be scheduled around the tides, increasing efficiency. Location is a tricky issue in Maine, though, since the resource tends to be Downeast and the transmission and construction facilities are closer to Portland; how to solve that is one of the questions the feasibility study is supposed to answer.
Maine, along with several other states and Canadian provinces is proceeding with an assessment of tidal resources this year.
At 6:21 AM,
Francois said…
Renewable Energy
Wave Energy Propeller Engine
Wave Energy Driven Ship
The present device concerns an engine of Navigation. Navigating on a sea, lake, ocean or any water surface shaken by waves, undulations, streams, etc.
The device according to the invention, aims at supplying a means of
Navigation appropriate (clean), easy to use; it can be an additional means of navigation.
The device according to this invention allows navigation. By converting the kinetic energy of movements, the oscillations, right-left an/or front-back or high /down to a uni-directional one-way horizontal push. These energies are free, renewable but still undeveloped yet in navigations . They have an uncomfortable incidence. (sea sickness)
This device doing the conversion, a part of the oscillations. (Friction, Vertical Level variations), to a (one-way) horizontal push.
In fact, any variation of the boat level is attenuated and converted to a one-way horizontal push. This device converting the bi-directional kinetic energy (up/down),or any variation immerged /emerged area to a horizontal kinetic energy (one-way) push .
A similar device has been successfully used in aviation for a century, but in opposite applications. Aircraft manufacturers, the power developed by the engines and reactors pushes the air-plane forward. The arrangement of the wings ,flaps and the position of the ailerons, convert part of this power into a vertical push . Gliders also convert the current of the ascending air(sight) and or while losing of height to a uni-directional horizontal push .
This device has been experimented on a prototype (at a reduced scale) and it works perfectly. We can do a demonstration.
Navigating waves energy propeller engine . ( a model set video available)
Wave is the most abundant source of renewable energy in the world. The usefulness of available wave energy has no longer to be proved. The average the most economical, the most profitable and the most practical is to use this energy on the spot that mean on board of a vessel, ship, boat, platform or any floating element which needs to move on the ocean or sea, without any need of transforming, transporting and/or stocking.
The energy converting device uses the principle of an oscillating (frequency different) Boat / Water. This device converts the bi-directional (up/down )of the Boat's (kinetic energy ) to a uni-directional horizontal power push
Because Navigating with wave energy needs ,requires no access roads, infrastructure .
Wave energy devices are quieter and much less visually obtrusive than wind devices, which typically energy devices can be integrated in Boat producing power exactly where it is needed;
When constructed with materials developed for use on Boat, Ship, Vessel, ocean wave power navigating devices (which contain few moving parts) should cost less to construction and maintain than... ( photos& video clip on request) ..
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