LOCE Wind and Wave Energy Weblog

The web's first ocean and offshore wind energy weblog. Continuously renewed, like the ocean itself.

Wednesday, May 07, 2003

Tidal Energy for San Francisco

This article posted at PlanetArk.org (May 7, 2003) reports that San Francisco plans to embark on study and development of a tidal current project which will be located below the Golden Gate Bridge. The pilot project is estimated to cost $ 2million. The City is currently examining technology developed by Hydroventuri for use in the project.

New Strategy For Opposing Cape Wind

Opponents of the Cape Wind strategy have taken a new approach as reported
here in this article by Doreen Leggett in the Townonline.com (Barnstable News) May 1, 2003. In addition to attacking the project developers, opponents have now launched an assault on the United States Army Corps of Engineers, the lead agency for permitting the project, claiming that the agency has a history of rubber stamping controversial projects and ignoring adverse environmental impacts. Despite opposition, the Corps is still continuing with its review of the project and preparation of an Environmental Impact Statement.

German Opposition to Offshore Wind

At least one offshore windfarm in Europe is facing opposition as reported here in an article called German Bird Lovers Bid to Block Offshore Wind Farm, planetark.com (May 3, 2003). Project opponents have filed a complaint to stop the project with the European Commission.

Hydrogen Isn't Always the Renewable It Seems To Be

Ever since President Bush announced his hydrogen car initiative in his State of the Union address, hydrogen as a fuel source has received more press. But hydrogen isn't necessarily the renewable energy it's portrayed to be - whether it is or not depends on the underlying source of energy used to produce it. For instance, hydrogen can be produced from offshore technologies such as OTEC as described at this website. And as this article entitled "Renewables Key to Hydrogen Economy" (Brussels May 1, 2003) notes, the success of hydrogen as a renewable in Europe, depends on the successful development of renewable technologies first. Meanwhile, as for trends in the U.S., this column by Dave Zweifel entitled "Big Oil Latches on to Hydrogen" Madison.com (May 5, 2003) notes that it's likely that most hydrogen in the U.S. will come from non-renewable sources such as coal and oil. So at least here in the United States, classifying hydrogen as a renewable isn't quite accurate.

The Positive Side of Wind Energy Development

Even as the controversy continues over the Cape Wind Project, two articles from the press in that region recognize some of the benefits that an offshore wind project might bring. The first , entitled
Finding Alternatives to Oil Spills in Our Bay South Coast Today, S-T.com (4/30/03) notes of a recent oil spill and argues that obtaining power from sources such as offshore wind could help avoid future spills and the adverse impacts they bring. The second, entitled Wind Power to Ease Failing Air Quality, Yarmouth Port (May 5, 2003) argues that wind power, because it is emission free, can play an important role in improving air quality.