LOCE Wind and Wave Energy Weblog

The web's first ocean and offshore wind energy weblog. Continuously renewed, like the ocean itself.

Monday, July 21, 2003

City of Oswego Continues With Lake Based Wind

As this brief clip reports, the City of Oswego in upstate New York is moving ahead with plans for a 3.6 MW offshore wind project to be sited on Lake Ontario.

Oil Industry Looks to Offshore Wind

With oil prices slumping, the oil industry is looking towards offshore wind as a possible business opportunity as reported in this article, , Oil Shock or Reality, (July 20, 2003)

Cape Wind Farm Still At Least One Year Away

This article, Wind Farm Permits Year or More Away
John Leaning Cape Cod Times (7/15/03) reports that the Corps of Engineers is still a year away from making any decision on the Cape Wind permit, due to its decision to consider a variety of alternative sites. And as this piece
Steve Urbon, South Coast Today (7/20/03) describes, possible alternatives even include Boston Harbor.